Monday, February 17, 2014

Four Weddings

So this is probably the last day for the Four Weddings kit. This is the first time I've used every input. This kit has 5x lectro 411s, two MMs (sending to a Lectro SR on camera), and a comtek transmitter.

This will hopefully be condensed soon as I move into Zaxcom wireless. The comtek will be removed when I move to all ERXs and the 5x 411s will be replaced by 2x QRXs which should make the bag a lot lighter and allow me to FINALLY utilize zaxnet.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Rent or Buy

Here's a set-up for HGTV's Rent or Buy. Everyone is lav'd and I have the NTG3 on a stand over the middle. I definitely wished I had a mic with a wider pick-up but it wouldn't have helped much as we had to leave the doors behind the talent open to the rest of the active restaurant for reflections so the boom didn't get much action.

Monday, September 9, 2013

iOS Timecode

So I just got the iOS device to BNC adapter so I can start jamming MovieSlate iPads. Seems to work pretty well but I will say that the mini jack is so shallow I had to take my phone and iPad out of their case to jam them. It should be a simple fix since a lot of people had similar problems with Otterbox cases so there are extenders available.

Also: my mini jack arrived bent but kVconnection offered to send another right away.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

PS614 With Zaxnet Antenna Mod

So I recently changed my PS601 bag for the PS614. The biggest difference is that the 601 didn't have space for the Zaxnet antenna and I believe it was damaging the port. The 614 also give a better option for getting to the Nomad inputs on the bottom which are difficult to get to no matter what bag you use. Overall, this bag just feels more snug and efficient for my Nomad.

In the current configuration I have a lot more storage space up front with two pouches instead of the one on the 601. There is a configuration that has the wireless receivers in this big pouch which may make it easier to get at the Nomad inputs but right now I prefer the storage space.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Today's Cart

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Little Things

So this was an interesting predicament. Here we have a scene in a small garage where a character walks and talks around a table. The problems are thus:
-Small space makes it difficult to boom out and in because you end up hitting walls when you bring it back
-the ceiling is littered with cables and tubes which mean you're stuck on one side of the table
-the character is in a paper suit so no amount of topstick will make it sound good

Nobody said this was gonna be easy

Monday, July 9, 2012

The New Hotness

So I finally have my own professional multitrack audio recorder, the Zaxcom Nomad 6. It's going to take some getting used after years of Sound Devices recorders but I think I can handle it.